“The same nervous staccato laugh broke from her lips” (49) Staccato- shortened and detached when played or sung
“The subject is not so abstruse as I thought it was” (51). Abstruse- hard to understand; recondite; esoteric
“If one hears bad music, it is one’s duty to drown it in conversation.’ Ah! That is one of Harry’s views, isn’t it Mr. Gray? I always hear Harry’s views from his friends. It is the only way I get to hear them’” (49).
In this quotation there are a few things that can be perceived. The reader gets the sense that Lord Henry and his wife are not that close. She says she never hears his views from him. She always hears them from his friends. Another thing is the continuous rubbing-off of Lord Henry on Dorian. Lady Henry notices the comment as one Harry would make and that is an obvious sign of the influence that Harry has over Dorian. His views are beginning to rub off on Dorian. Another thing that is maybe overlooked in the quote is that fact that Lady Henry says she always hears Henry’s views from his friends. That means that he is influencing a larger group than just Dorian. He is obviously a very charming speaker and is very intellectual. He must influence many using his talents.
“You could not have helped telling me, Dorian. All through your life you will tell me everything you do.’ ‘Yes, Harry, I believe that is true. I cannot help telling you things. You have a curious influence over me.’” (56).
In this quotation we also see the affect that Henry is having over Dorian. Dorian is obviously drawn to Lord Henry, but for what reason? Lord Henry has a power over Dorian that is indescribable. Dorian even says that he cannot help telling him everything and that Lord Henry has a “curious influence” over him. A curious influence that Basil alluded to and a curious influence that Dorian, and others, has fallen under. The other part to this quote is that Lord Henry knows that he has this power over Dorian. He knows that Dorian cannot keep anything from him, and this is what his aim has been for some time. He wanted to be the influence and Dorian’s life, and so far he has succeeded.