Chapter 15: Hester and Pearl
- Hester hates Chillingworth (159)
- Pearl causes trouble at beach, but she feels bad when she hurts a bird (160)
- Pearl asks Dimmesdale holding his hand on his heart and asks what the scarlet letter means (161)
- Pearl makes seaweed A (161)
- Hester still thinks of Pearl as her punishment that will lead to redemption (163)
- Chapter 16: A Forest Walk
- Hester wants to tell Dimmesdale who Chillingworth really is (164)
- The forest seen as bad town as good, similar to “The Crucible” (165)
- No sunshine on Hester (167)
- Pearl talks about Devil and Book; Hester says A is his mark (167)
Chapter 17: The Pastor and His Parishioner
- Hester sees Dimmesdale in the forest and they talk
- Dimmesdale talks about his daily torture (172)
- He thinks she is lucky to have the scarlet letter to bear openly compared to him having his sin eat him from the inside (173)
- She tells him who Chillingworth really is; he says that he had a feeling that Chillingworth was evil (175)
- They both talk about their future and how they should run away(179)
Chapter 18: A Flood of Sunshine
- Hester takes the scarlet letter off and feels a sudden feeling of relief (182)
- The forest sunny, and it loses its negativity (183)
- Pearl is playing in the forest where we seen her as a part of nature; Hester wants her to meet Dimmesdale
- Forest is a place where sinners are comfortable
- Dark vs. Light seen again with sunshine shining on Hester after A is taken off
Chapter 19: The Child at the Brook-Side
- Dimmesdale thinks that Pearl looks like him and that the townspeople may think he is the father; similar to what Chillingworth says early about finding the man who looks like the father (186)
- Dimmesdale says that children usually don’t like him, but Pearl was nice to him the past two times they were together (187)
- Pearl refuses to cross the brook go to Hester because she is not wearing the scarlet letter (189)
- When Hester puts the letter back on Pearl comes to her; Hester feels the punishment again and Pearl kisses the A (190)
- Dimmesdale kisses Pearl, but Pearl washes her face in the brook (191)
Chapter 20: The Minister in a Maze
- Hester does work for men who will take her Pearl and Dimmesdale to Europe
- Walks to town and feels changed: more energy
- “I am not the man for whom you take me” (195)
- Different confrontations with townspeople: He is afraid to talk with his deacon (196) He also has an awkward interactions with an old lady and a young woman, who he converted, who attends his church (196) He covers his face from the young woman because he is too ashamed and believes he may corrupt the entire town (197)
- Mistress Hibbens accuses Dimmesdale of going to the forest and meeting with the Devil
- Dimmesdale tells Chillingworth that he doesn’t need his help anymore (201)
- He throws away his old sermon and writes a new one for Election day
Chapter 21: The New England Holiday
- Town holiday where there is a parade for the elected official(202)
- All of the people are gathered at the town market for different reasons than before
- Pearl is upset about Dimmesdale being with them when nobody is around but avoids them in public(205)
- Pocket around Hester even in a crowded event (210)
- Chillingworth talks with the captain of a ship, and Hester finds out that Chillingworth will also be going on the boat with them( 210)
- People and town usually gloomy except on this day
Chapter 22: The Procession
- Dimmesdale seems to be more energetic in a strange way (215)
- Pearl asks if he is the same man that was with Hester and her in the forest; Pearl is very uneasy as Dimmesdale passes(215)
- There are new people for this event and Hester has to deal with new stares
- Mistress Hibbens speaks with Hester about Dimmesdale and asks her what his secret is (216)
- Dimmesdale begins to make his speech; Everyone loves his speech
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