Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jigsaw Post

#3 Discuss the presence of evil on the island. Is evil inherent or is it created?
  • Evil seems to be created on the island.
  • Evil is empowered by Jack and the hunters
  • They lose control and act wildly
  • No supervision helps create evil and disorder
  • Out of the control of Ralph
  • Seen through death of Simon, treatment of Piggy
  • Wildness creates evil

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Essential Question #10

“Go out of the room[…] sentence” (34).


‘Go out of the room; return to the nursery’ Mrs. Reed said reacting to the look Jane had given her. Mrs. Reed was clearly and irritated by Jane. Jane left the room for the moment, but she quickly returned, walking to the window and the close to Mrs. Reed.

Jane felt the urge to talk. She had been treated wrongly so much, but did not know how to react to Mrs. Reed. She had to think quickly. She gathered up the courage and energy to speak.


The difference in the writing style makes the story completely different. It is harder to feel a connection with Jane. She seems more out of control than mistreated. The story also loses the emotion used to capture the reader. I do not feel as involved in the story as I did. It is nice to see and understand all the emotions of Jane. The 3rd person view also makes this story a little less enjoyable. 1st person is the way the story was written and it should stay that way.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Essential Question 9

“How do Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein compare and contrast as men, scholars, and scientists?”

Robert and Victor both share a common desire to find success. Walton is a captain of a ship looking for new routes of travel while Frankenstein is a scientist driven to find the secrets of life. They both lose touch with those around them. Captain Walton says he feels distanced from his crew while Dr. Frankenstein is locked away for months doing his work. Frankenstein’s work consumes him. Once he has given life to the monster her is horrified by its presence. He leaves his apartment and grows ills at the thought or sight of any scientific equipment. Both men are focused on their work and are determined to succeed in their fields of work, no matter how it affects their lives.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Essential Question 8

Are Petruchio and Katherine in love?

Petruchio and Katherine are not in love. Their relationship did not start with love. Petruchio was used as a tool for Hortensio so that he could try and woo Bianca. Petruchio did not pursue Katherine on the basis of love. It was more of a challenge for Petruchio. He was paid to woo Katherine and that is what it seems to be. He does not show that he loves her. He is trying to tame her. Katherine does not seem to have much love for Petruchio either. She does things to please him, but there does not seem to be much love between the two. She disagrees with him as he tries to tame her, and only agrees with him so that they do not argue. Their relationship lacks love. This does not mean that love is impossible for them to attain. It is just not existent at this point in their relationship.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Essential Question #7

Do you think that Hamlet has created his own insanity, or has he lost his sense of reality completely?

If you were to just quickly read through Hamlet’s statements it would be easy to say that he is just insane, but that is not the case. Hamlet has been struggling through a very difficult time in his life. His father was murdered, and Hamlet is forced to obey the rules of his father’s murderer. Once you take a closer look into the situation Hamlet sanity is very clear. Hamlet is struggling with a giant decision that he has to make. He has to seek revenge for his father’s murder. His emotions take the better of him sometimes. He says, "I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk form a handsaw" (107). He is only “mad” sometimes, but he is able to still see the truth in some matters.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Essential #6

There are many parallels that can be drawn between the Pardoner’s prologue and his tale. The definition of a pardoner is a medieval ecclesiastic authorized to raise money for religious works by granting papal indulgences to contributors. In the definition we see a sin that the Pardoner preaches against. In the tale he preaches against gluttony, indulgences, fraud and vulgarity. The Pardoner is guilty of all the vices he speaks about. This tale is different from the others that we have read. In the first two stories the focus is on love and friendship, but in the Pardoner’s tale the focus is on the negative aspects of life and how they should be avoided. The Pardoner only speaks about love of money. His story focuses on sins because if he gets people to think of their sins they may buy pardons from him. His job is to make money and his story is just a way for him to continue his business.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Essential Question 5- My Society

The ideal society is impossible to come by. Today’s society is unbalanced and imperfect. To have the perfect society there has to be a balance of good and evil. There are many roles for people to fit. A society must have a structure that it follows. When all these are met a group of people becomes a society.
In my ideal society I chose five different people who would play many roles. I chose Tom Brady, Gerard Butler, Mother Theresa, Taylor Swift, and Megan Fox. Each person would play an important role in the society. The society has to have structure, and political structure that I would choose is a democracy. These choices help to make a society run.
I chose Tom Brady for many reasons. He is an all-pro quarterback in the NFL. Quarterback is one of the most difficult positions to play in football, and Tom Brady is one of the best of all time. Brady dissects defenses with his passes, and is a student of the game. He is very athletic which is a positive in the society. He is a very strong leader. Through his play we can see his intelligence. Tom Brady is also a very good-looking man, or so I have heard. All these attributes made the decision very clear that Tom Brady would be a very good choice as a member of society.
Another member of my society is Taylor Swift. She is one of the most talented new starlets around. Her music has sold thousands upon thousands of copies. She is an entertainer. She is a very pretty girl. She is young and full of energy and that is what a society needs.
The third member of my society is Mother Theresa. She plays a major role in my society. She could be the nurturer of the society. She would provide the spiritual guidance in the society. Mother Theresa has knowledge of medicine and could be a healer, and with her overall knowledge she would be the sapient of the society. She would also help to educate in my society.
One of the final members of my society is Megan Fox. She is one of the most talked about actresses right now. She is gorgeous, and she is not a bad actress. She would play the role of the temptress, and possibly the villain. Along with Taylor Swift she would provide the females needed for procreation, which is obviously the most important factor if a society were to make it to the next generation.
Gerard Butler is the final member of my society. He is a leader. He plays a huge role in my society. He is a guardian and protector. He is a father figure. He is the enforcer and the law. He is the quintessential man in my society.
My society is not perfect, and it has some flaws. It would be hard to have a democracy with so many stars. They would all want the power. My society is not diverse, and diversity is important to me. My society also lacks a true villain, or challenge. These cons do not make my society completely dysfunctional.
This is my ideal society. It contains people that everyone loves. Most, if not all major roles have someone to fill them. There are strong leaders, and a knowledgeable sage. My society would hopefully thrive.