Wednesday, December 17, 2008

ch 14 questions

What does Hester now say about her scarlet letter to Chillingworth?
“It lies not in the pleasure of the magistrates to take off this badge […] Were I worthy to be quit of it, it would fall away of its own nature, or be transformed into something that should speak a different purpose” (153).
Describe Chillingworth physically.
He has grown visibly older over the past 7 years
“An eager, searching, almost fierce, yet carefully guarding look” (153).
What do we find out Dimmesdale’s true "death" is, and how does he suffer it?
“Your clutch is on his life, and you cause him to die daily a living death; and still he knows you not.  In permitting this, I have surely acted a false part by the only man whom the power was left me to be true!” (154)
Dimmesdale suffers every day because of Chillingworth
Describe exactly how Chillingworth has treated Dimmesdale and why he has treated him that way.
He has followed him everywhere and studied every part of his life
He wants to understand him and find ways how to torment him
He has a clutch on his life, and kills him daily
Why has Dimmesdale increased his debt to Chillingworth?
Chillingworth believes that Dimmesdale has increased his debt because of what he has gone through and how he has changed over the past 9 years
He blames Dimmesdale for the changes and stress that he ahs gone through
Says that his life was peaceful and now has changed
Claims the hatred has turned him into a fiend
Is Chillingworth’s argument valid about that point?
No, Dimmesdale is not totally responsible
Hester committed the same act
Does not need to seek revenge in the way he is
He is not the final judge, does not have right to punish
What is the final resolution between Hester and Chillingworth? Is there one? 
Hester wants to reveal to Dimmesdale the truth
She wants Chillingworth to stop, but he wont
Chillingworth does not try to stop her

The Scarlet Letter 6: 126-144

“‘Then, and there, before the judgment-seat, thy mother, and thou, and I must stand together. But the daylight of this world shall not see our meeting!’” (139). 
  • In this quotation Dimmesdale reveals that he feels that they will be judged together.  His sin and Hester’s sin are the same.  They will be judged the same way.  He probably felt somewhat relieved standing on the scaffold holding hands with the sinners whose sins are known to everyone.  He was confused about his judgment or redemption process, but now seems to understand it.  In a way it relates to Proctor, but in the opposite sense.  Proctor felt the need to tell people about his sin and then later understands that only God can judge him.  Dimmesdale begins feeling only God can judge him, but feels so much guilt that he now feels the need to tell people about his sin.  
When will they be judged together?  Will there ever be a time?

“‘Who is that man, Hester?’ gasped Mr. Dimmesdale, overcome with terror.  ‘I shiver at him!  Dost thou know the man?  I hate him, Hester!’” (142). 
  • This quotation takes place after Dimmesdale has been standing on the scaffold with Pearl and Hester.  After that interaction he sees a man watching them.  He is very weary of the man.  He does not feel right while this man is looking at him.  He most likely feels that weird feeling that you get when you do not know who someone is and they are staring at you, but there is a chance that he realizes something odd with the man.  He should have these feelings because the man watching him is Chillingworth, and Chillingworth is out to get him.  Dimmesdale does not realize this yet, but hopefully come to this realization before it is too late.  
In this quotation does Dimmesdale know it is Chillingworth or is he spooked by the presence of the unknown man?

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Scarlet Letter 5: 107-126

“Why would a wretched man, guilty, we will say, of murder, prefer to keep the dead corpse buried in his own heart, rather than fling it forth at once, and let the universe take care of it!” (120).
  • In this quote Mr. Dimmesdale is trying to find a reason for keeping guilt secret from others.  As we all know now, Dimmesdale is the man whom Hester had the affair with.  He makes it very obvious throughout this selection.  I believe he wants the opinion of someone he can “trust”, but does not realize that Chillingworth is out to get him.  Dimmesdale is trying to figure out if he should keep his actions secret, or spread them so that he can feel more relieved.  It must not be easy for Dimmesdale to keep this burden, and that may be a reason that he is trying to reach out to Chillingworth, but nevertheless it is the wrong decision and will most likely cost him a lot in the end.  
Will Dimmesdale ever tell anyone about his action, or will everyone find out through Chillingworth?

“But still, methinks, it must needs be better for the sufferer to be free to show his pain, as this poor woman Hester is, than it cover it all up in his heart” (123).
  • In this quote Dimmesdale speaks of how he thinks that the burden of the sin must be much lesser on Hester because her sin is out in the open.  Everyone can see her sin, and she lives her punishment, but his is worse.  No one knows, and he must live with the burden of the secret.  He must also watch as Hester suffers openly while he does not openly suffer at all.  It must be very hard on him, and this is very evident through this chapter.  He speaks of how he thinks the burden for the man with the secret sin must be very grave, and he knows from experience.  It is must not be extremely difficult to live a lie.
Will Dimmesdale find a way to rid himself of his burden?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Scarlet Letter 4: 91-107

"The scarlet letter was represented in exaggerated and gigantic proportions, so as to be greatly the most prominent feature of her appearance. In truth, she seemed absolutely hidden behind it" (97). 
  • This quote shows how the scarlet letter has consumed Hester’s life.  It is the only thing people see when they look at her.  They do not see her or her actions.  They only see the scarlet letter and are reminded of Hester’s sin.  It will be important to see how this continues on throughout the story.  It will also be important to see how Hester feels as is she has no good left inside her, and how Pearl is a living and constant reminder of Hester’s sin.  The affect the situation is having on Hester seems to be growing as the book develops, and sadly it seems as if it will only get worse.
To what extent is this situation going to affect Hester?  Will it get better or worse?

"‘God gave me the child!’ cried she. ‘He gave her in requital of all things else, which he had taken from me. She is my happiness! - she is my torture, none the less! Pearl keeps me here in life! Pearl punishes me too! See ye not, she is the scarlet letter, only capable of being loved, and so endowed with a million-fold the power of retribution for my sin? Ye shall not take her I will die first!’"(103).
  • In this quote we see Hester defending Pearl.  The townspeople want to take her from Pearl because they think that Hester is not fit to raise her, and even if she was there is the chance that Pearl is of demon descent because of the way she was  conceived.  Hester obviously does not want to give up her daughter.  She loves her.  She is the only thing that makes her happy in a world that frowns upon her, but it is much more than that. She is a constant reminder of her sin.  She is the consequence of her actions, and there is nothing that can take that away.
How will this continue to play on in the story? Will Pearl have a greater affect on Hester?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Scarlet Letter 3: 72-91

“She would become the general symbol at which the preacher and moralist might point, and in which they might vivify and embody their images of woman’s frailty and sinful passions.  Thus the young and pure would be taught to look at her, with the scarlet letter flaming on her breast [..] as the figure, the body, and the reality of sin” (73).
  • In this quote Hester’s future is discussed.  It is realized that because of her sin she will be made an example of.  The townspeople want her on the scaffold for everyone to see.  They want the people to see how sinfulness affects them.  For the rest of her life she will have to live with the shame of her sin, and be reminded of it everyday while she stands on the scaffold.  This may be another underlying reason for the choice of punishment.  They may want to use this to scare others into not performing these actions.  Whatever the reason is, she has to live with this punishment forever.  
Will Hester’s punishment have a positive or negative affect on the townspeople?  Will there be any affect at all?  

“When strangers looked curiously at the scarlet letter, - and none ever failed to do so, - they branded it afresh into Hester’s soul; so that oftentimes, she could scarcely refrain, yet always did refrain, from covering the symbol with her hand.  But then, again, an accustomed eye had likewise its own anguish to inflict.  Its cool stare of familiarity was intolerable” (79).
  • In this quote we see how Hester is affected by the constant stares as she walks around the colony.  It must be very difficult to have to live with the constant stares from everyone around her.  The worst part of it is that they all look down upon her as an awful sinner, when all of them have sinned as well.  It is unfair to her to have to live with the stares everyday.  It states that it is worst for her when it is an old stare.  She says, “The spot never grew callous; it seemed, on the contrary, to grow more sensitive with daily torture” (79).  It must be very difficult to go through the stares, the whispers, and the mocking constantly.  
Will Hester ever break down from the constant stress of the stares?

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Scarlet Letter 2: 56-72

"Truly, friend; and methinks it must gladden your heart, after your troubles and sojourn in the wilderness,’ said the townsman, ‘to find yourself, at length, in a land where iniquity is searched out, and punished in the sight of rulers and people, as here in our godly New England"(58).
  • In this quote we see that one of the townspeople shares the story with Roger Chillingworth, a stranger whose name is later told to us.  He was taken away for a while and is being told about Hester’s sin and the punishment.  The townsman, like any other person in the town, is almost proud of the fact that Hester is being punished for her sin.  It relates to “The Crucible” in the way that the people seek reparation for their sins, but may not exactly know how to find the way to cleanse themselves.  This punishment makes people happy, but how can standing on a scaffold while wearing the letter “A” sewn to her dress actually help Hester cleanse herself of her sin.  The people in this society look just for punishment rather than any type of redemption.  
Will the people of the town become dissatisfied with the punishment?  Will Hester be able to be cleansed of her sin and find redemption?

“Heaven hath granted thee an open ignominy, that thereby thou mayest work out an open triumph over the evil within thee, and the sorrow within.  Take heed how thou deniest him - who, perchance, hath not the courage grasp it for himself” (63).
  • In this quote we see how the townspeople will try to appeal to Hester to give up the name of the man who she had the affair with.  They speak of how her sin is open because of the pregnancy, and that it gives her a chance to openly overcome sin.  They want her to give the name of the man so that he can too overcome the sin.  They plead with her because they must also believe that it is somewhat unfair to her and the people that she must bear all the punishment for the sin that two people committed.  It must be tempting for her to give up the name, and it will be interesting to see how this develops in the plot of the story.
How long will it be until Hester gives up the name of the man, and what will be the reason for her doing it?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Scarlet Letter 1: 45-56

“At the very least, they should have put the brand of hot iron on Hester Prynne’s forehead. [..] let her cover the mark as she will, the pang of it will be always in her heart.” (49)
  • The quotation shows the varying differences in opinion between the “gossips” of the town.  The woman all have their own opinions about the punishment and about Hester.  They all think negatively of her.  When she comes out with the scarlet letter sewn to her dress they are at first surprised.  They never thought that she would bear the mark so willingly.  Then they shift into knocking her down and claim that she is mocking the magistrates.  They obviously feel that she is lower than them because of her sin, and that she should suffer for it.
How will the “gossips’” views affect Hester?  Will they do anything to make the punishment worse?

“Here, there was the taint of deepest sin in the most sacred quality of human life, working such effect, that the world was only the darker for this woman’s beauty, and the more lost for the infant that she borne.” (53)
  • In this selection we see a comparison made between Mary and Hester.  They explain how Mary was sinless and her son was sent to redeem the world.  In the case of Hester Prynne she was tainted with sin, and her child would lose a lot for her sin.  It is the complete opposite to the story of Mary.  The whole paragraph draws a comparison between the two incidents.  It will be an important element to keep in mind, and will most likely play out bad for Hester.  If Mary was sinless and her son suffered, Hester’s child will surely suffer for her sin.  
How will this comparison develop during the story?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Crucible Essay 2

Andy Medina
AP English 11
Mr. George
The Crucible Essay 2
There are two types of characters in the play, “The Crucible.”  The two types of characters are good and bad.  Both types of characters commit sins throughout the play. This is a known fact.  The disparity between the good and bad characters is seen through their intentions behind the sins, and how they try to redeem themselves for the acts committed.  Abigail Williams is a character who commits sins throughout the play, and shows no remorse for her actions.  She is an evil character.  She commits many sins, and goes deeper and deeper down a dark path.  Abigail’s treacherous fall towards evil is a long and path in which countless others are affected.  As the play unravels the reader develops a sense of hatred towards Abigail.  The reason for this growing hatred is due to the reader seeing her intentions behind the evil actions she commits.
Abigail and John Proctor begin the play on the same moral grounds.  John is a married man, who had an affair with Abigail.  They are equally responsible for this action, however the reader feels completely different towards the two characters.  The cause for the different feelings is simple.  The reader sees the decisions being made by both characters.  The reader is told that the people of Salem “had no ritual for the washing away of sins.” (Miller 20).  John and Abigail make go down completely different paths after the affair takes place.  The reader sees a sense of attachment that Abigail begins to develop towards Proctor after the affair takes place.  She wants more than just the affair. On the other hand, John sees the affair in a much different light.  He sees the actions as a horrible act, and tries to cleanse himself of the sin.  He does not know how to completely cleanse himself of his sin, but he tries to make things right.  He comes forth and admits his faults throughout the play.  This is where the reader begins to see the difference between the two characters.  Abigail wants Proctor for herself, and feels the need to ruin anyone who stands in her way.  They are undoubtedly different characters in the way they make decisions after the affair.  This is only one way Abigail becomes a hated character, but there are many other factors that play into this feeling.  
Throughout the play Abigail continuously manipulates and lies to others to achieve her goal.  Her goal is obvious.  She is trying to get Elizabeth Proctor out of the way so that she can have John Proctor to herself.  The first attempt the reader sees toward this goal is when Abigail forces Tituba, Betty, and other girls into the woods to perform witchcraft.  As Betty says, “You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!” (19).  Abigail will resort to any means to have John for herself.  She uses Tituba to get the charm, but when they are accused of witchcraft Abigail turns on Tituba.  “She sends her spirit on me in church […] She comes to me while I sleep” (44).  Abigail had used Tituba for all that she was worth and was willing to sacrifice Tituba to save herself.  Soon after this occurs Abigail sees Tituba save herself by condemning others and says, “I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus!” (48).  She uses this event to save herself in the eyes of the people of the town.  They see her as a converted sinner, and listen to her word as the truth.  She takes complete advantage of the people of the town and begins to name people who are witches.  This eventually leads to the point where she can accuse Elizabeth of being a witch, but before that happens she must use, and then betray, other people.
At the beginning of the play, Mary Warren is an ally of Abigail.  She was one of the girls who danced with her in the forest.  Abigail sees Mary making a doll for Elizabeth and seizes the opportunity to accuse Elizabeth of witchcraft.  When Mary helps John and Elizabeth Abigail turns on her.  “Oh, Mary, this is a black art to change your shape” (115).  It is obvious that Abigail truly cares for no one and that she is willing to throw anyone away to save herself.  These actions draw hatred from the reader.  
The hatred for Abigail is well developed by the author.  He gives the reader an almost omniscient view of the play.  The reader sees all her actions, and what truly lies behind them.  Through this view, all of Abigail’s actions are seen without the deceitful cloud she emits.  She only looks out for herself, and that is a quality that drives people crazy.  She gets people to trust her, and lies to them to try and achieve her goal.
The reader goes along with Abigail down her path, and as it moves along, so too do the feelings of disgust.  When she realizes that she is done she runs away with her uncle’s money, but her presence is still felt in the town.  The hangings that take place because of her false accusations still occur.  This is the final action that gives the reader the complete hatred for Abigail.  The reader sees Abigail for a lying, deceitful whore, and her ending fits her.  In the section of the book called the “Echoes Down the Corridor” the reader is told Abigail turned up as a prostitute in Boston.  It is a fitting end to such a filthy, treacherous character.  

Monday, December 1, 2008

Letter 3

Dear John,
I now realize that my actions have gone too far.  All I wanted was for us to be together.  I did not intend for these extra consequences.  I love you John Proctor, more than you know.  Every night when I sleep I feel you by my side.  I feel your warm touch all over my body.  It makes me think of what could have been, and wish that it could be so in the future.
I do not understand what you see in Elizabeth.  I am a much better fit for you.  I would do anything for you.  I only wish that you could feel the same.  John, please confess.  Save yourself.  I never wanted to hurt you.  I only wished to have you.  I promise that if you confess that life could be different.  We could have a new and better life together.  We could do great things together.
John, I stole my uncle's savings.  I have enough money for the both of us.  We can go far, far away and start a new life together.  We can go to a place where they have never heard of the town of Salem.  John, please come to your senses.  This is your best option.  We have everything we need to get away, except you freedom.
John, I am truly sorry for everything that has happened.  I know it’s not enough for me to just say it, but I only wish you can forgive me and run away with me.  I only want to make things better.  Please, consider what I have said.  I truly feel as if we can start a new and great life together.  I love you John.  I always will.  
Love always,
P.S. I need a response soon before my uncle realizes I have stolen his money.  You not need to worry for I will not incriminate you if you choose to stay.  It is your loss.

Letter 2

Mr. Hale,
It is only now, during the last few days of my life, that I have come to fully understand the consequences of my actions.  I write to you knowing the right people will see this letter.  I wish to ask for the forgiveness from the people of Salem.  I was in the wrong.  I empowered evil.  I looked for the truth and found lies.  Even when I found the truth, I believed it was too late.  I sought to keep my name clean.  I sought to save my reputation.  I was wrong.  I was blinded by my ego. Instead of admitting that I was wrong, I continued down the dark path of lies.  I condemned the truthful and set the liars free.  It is now that I see how truly ignorant I was.  I am sorry.
Secondly, I wish to apologize to Elizabeth Proctor.  I should have been more reasonable.  Your husband was a good man.  He was true to himself to the very end.  I am truly sorry that I did not realize this earlier.  I did not believe you or your husband.  You both are good, truthful people.  If only there were more people like yourselves in the town.  I envy your courage and bravery throughout the events.
Finally to you Mr. Hale, you are a good and faithful man.  You sought to find the truth in the situation.  You saw through the lies.  You saw the people for who they really were.  I should have trusted your opinion more.  You are and very knowledgeable man.  I am sorry that I doubted you.
I would also like everyone to know that I am very sorry.  I have felt guilt since these events took place.  I only hope that I can receive some clearance of mind and possibly some forgiveness.

Letter 1

My dearest Elizabeth,
Oh how much I miss you.  I have spent these past many nights thinking of you and the boys.  I wish I could be there with you.  I think about being with you with every breathe I take.
I want my life, but I do not know if I can give up my name.  If only I could make it so that I would not have to give them that piece of me.  It is a man's most prized possession.  It is an almost impossible decision to make.  I want to be with you and live the rest of my life with you, but I do not think I can live that lie knowing I lied to free myself.
I love you Elizabeth.  I have made some horrible mistakes in my  life.  I'm truly sorry that I hurt you.  I want you to know that my love has never changed.  I only hope that you can remember this when I am gone.  I want you to live your life.  I do not want you to have any feelings of remorse.  You did nothing wrong.  You tried your best to help me, but sadly the town has gone through so much corruption that the truthful are the ones who suffer.  I hope someday that people will look back on these events and see everyone for who they truly were.
My last thing that I wish to get across to you is how much you truly have meant to me during this time.  You have been there for me when I have needed it.  The thoughts of you are the only things that are keeping me going.  You are the most important thing in my life.  I am so glad to have spent this time with you.  The only regret I have is not being able to spend more of my life with you.  I truly love you Elizabeth.  You are the best wife a man could ask for.
Your loving husband,
John Proctor 

Monday, November 24, 2008

Crucible Essay 1

Andy Medina
AP English
Mr. George
Crucible Essay 1
In the story, The Crucible, there are atrocious acts committed.  There are many characters to which blame can fall upon in for these acts.  Almost every character carries some blame for the eventual hangings that took place in Salem; some more that others.  The person that is most to blame for these happenings is Tituba.  She is the first to “confess” to being a witch, and change her story.  She is the first to resort to blaming others.  She is the model for everyone to get out of trouble.  She is the one who is most at fault.  She does these things just tom save herself.  
As stated before Tituba changes her claim.  Abigail claims that Tituba forced her into dancing in the forest and drinking blood, “Abigail: She makes me drink blood” (Miller 43).  Tituba is being accused by Abigail and others.  They say she “Hale: Woman, have you enlisted these children for the Devil?” (43).  She defends herself vehemently, “Tituba: No, no, sir, I don’t truck with no Devil!” (43). This is the first stance she takes.  As the argument continues and death is threatened upon her, she changes her stance.  “Tituba: terrified, falls to her knees: No, no don’t hang Tituba! I tell him I don’t desire to work for him, sir” (44).  This is a key change in her story.  It becomes evident that later in the text that those who “confess” that they worked with the devil go free.  It is because of Tituba that people, like Abigail, learn how to save themselves by lying.  Tituba not only lies to save herself, but she also incriminates the names of others.  It is a huge part in the demise of the men and women who were hung.  They stayed true to their names, unlike those who lied, and it all began with Tituba.
Tituba’s lies continue when she begins to incriminate other woman:
“Tituba in a fury: He say Mr. Parris must be kill! Mr. Parris no goodly man, Mr. Parris mean man and no gentle man, and he bid me rise out of my bed and cut your throat! They gasp But I tell him ‘No! I don’t hate that man. I don’t want kill that man.’ But he say, ‘You work for me, Tituba, and I make you free! I give you pretty dress to wear, and put you way high up in the air, and you gone fly back to Barbados!’ And I say, ‘you lie, Devil, you lie!’ And then he come one stormy night to me, and he say, ‘Look! I have white people belong to me.’ And I look - and there was Goody Good” (47).
At the end of this long speech, Tituba says that Sarah Good works for the devil.  This is the first time we see a woman shift blame to another to take blame away from them.  Tituba is the model for those who are willing to lie to save themselves, especially Abigail.  She may be doing this with only the intention of saving herself, but it has a much more severe consequence.  Her actions led to much more than anyone could have expected, and many would not put the blame on Tituba, but if you look deeper than just the surface of the book, Tituba takes more and more of the blame.
Many would say Abigail is the one most to blame.  Abigail was hell-bent in her search for revenge.  She would do anything to try and get Elizabeth Proctor out of the picture.  She excuses her of being a witch so she can have John Proctor all to herself, but the only reason her plan had any success is because of Tituba.  It is because of Tituba changing her story that Abigail sees the opportunity to save herself from incrimination.  She continues to lie and protects herself by accusing many other women of being women, leading up to the time where she feels it is right to strike.  Her plan works almost perfectly.  She does ruin the lives of the Proctors, but in the opposite way that she intended.  She gets rid of John rather that Elizabeth.  None of this could have been possible without Tituba.  She is the one who is most to blame.  She is not fully to blame because of course Abigail plays a major role in the evilness and corruption in this story, but Tituba is the most to blame.
Tituba is the perfect model for those who lie to save themselves.  She may not think or intend on causing any huge consequences, but she caused much more pain and suffering than anyone could have imagined.  It is because of her the people in Salem began to lie.  It is because of her the people in Salem began to accuse one another.  It is because of her Abigail learned that she could lie and accuse others.  She was the bad influence in the book, no matter what her intentions were.  She is one of the most influential characters in this story, even though many may overlook her.  She is the most to blame for the hangings in Salem.  No one else should be given as much blame as she should.  She is the example of how little lies change the lives of many, and how evil can grow from those lies.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Crucible HW page 145

Danforth: You misunderstand, sir; I cannot pardon these when twelve are already hanged for the same crime.  It is not just” (128).
  • This is really horrible to hear.  How can someone, even after they know a person is innocent, hang them?  It is inhumane.  Danforth understands that he has been deceived, but will not let the others go because it would not be fair to the others who have already been hanged.  It is true.  It is not fair, however it is the right thing to do!  He may think it is unjust, but he is only protecting his name.  If he frees the others, his name will be hurt.  It is unfair to those who are being hung.  The truth is out and they still have to suffer.
Why does Danforth not free those after the truth has come out? 
“Proctor: I speak my own sins; I cannot judge another. Crying out, with hatred:  I have no tongue for it.” (141).
  • Through the hard times and through all the adversity, Proctor will not give up others.  He stays true to himself by tearing up his confession.  He gives his life to keep his name.  They say it is due to pride or vanity, it is not price.  It is being honest.  He will not bring himself down.  He will be honest, no matter what the cost.  He is one of the characters that stay true to himself, and does not give in to the confessions.  He is a good man.  He loved those around him, and stayed trued to himself.
Who is to blame for Proctor’s death?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crucible HW page 127

“Proctor Mary, tell the Governor what they-
Mary Warren: Don’t touch me - don’t touch me!
Proctor: Mary!
Mary Warren, pointing at Proctor: You’re the Devil’s man!” (118).
  • This quote is another example of how people are lying in Salem to save themselves.  Mary changes her story to save herself because she knows she cannot change Danforth’s mind.  Abigail and the other girls had already persuaded him, and the only way that she thought to save herself was to confess to being under the Devil’s control and incriminate Proctor.  It was obvious that somehow Mary would falter.  Every time she was asked a question she would respond in a timid manner, or break out in tears.  It was only a matter of time before she broke.  It is too bad for Proctor because it is evident, through his motto on page 95, that he will not “confess” anything.  He will stay true to himself, and sadly pay a horrible price for it.
Will Proctor be hung?  If he is, who can we truly blame for the eventual hanging of Proctor, if he is hung?  

“Proctor:  A fire, a fire is burning!  I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! And it is my face, and yours, Danforth! For them that quail to bring men out of ignorance, as I have quailed, and as you quail now when you know in all your black hearts this be fraud-God damns our kind especially, and we will burn, we will burn together!” (120) 
  • Proctor shows his emotions through his fiery statement.  He says what is obvious, but no one seems to realize in Salem.  God is no longer controlling the town, the people are.  Vengeance is the true root of the evil in this town, not the Devil.  Proctor is so angry and agitated by what has taken place that he explodes and tries to make a final attempt to show Danforth what is happening.  He says that eventually Danforth will realize what is happening is not the work of the Devil, but all a fraud.  Once Danforth comes to this realization it will be too late.  People will have already been hung and it will be too late to save those who remain in the jails.  
When Danforth realizes his mistake, what remorse will he feel?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crucible HW page 113

“Proctor: My wife, my dear good wife, took this girl soon after, sir, and put her out on the highroad.  And being what she is, a lump of vanity, sir- Excellency, forgive me, forgive me.  She thinks to dance with me on my wife’s grave!  And well she might, for I thought of her softly.  God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat.  But it is a whore’s vengeance, and you must see it; I set myself entirely in your hands.  I know you must see it now.” (110)
  • This is one of the most important parts of the book this far along in the story.  It is very powerful, and will have a great affect on the outcome of Elizabeth, and possibly on the others accused by the young group of girls.  Proctor is honest, like he always has been throughout the story, and has revealed a major flaw to the court.  This flaw will be seen as a horrible act, but Proctor came out and admitted it himself.  Having admitted it himself Danforth should realize that there is a lie being told by Abigail and the other girls.  Unfortunately, I do not have much hope for anyone because the deceitfulness of Abigail and the other girls, along with the love Elizabeth has for John.  She will protect him which will lead to her downfall.
How will this section play into the fate of the women accused?  Will it help them, do nothing, or help in there demise?

“Danforth: Good then.  And if she tell me, child, it were for harlotry, may God spread His mercy on you!” (112)
  • It would be very easy to look over this quote and its significance to the story, but it shows us more of the characterization of Danforth.  He is a very judgmental, even is he says he isn’t.  He goes from hearing the accusations of the girls and believing them to hearing the words of Proctor and believing them.  We see this as a positive change, but it really is no change at all.  He is still easily convinced, and almost confused with this whole situation.  He really has not changed much in his short section of being involved in the book, even though he might be one of the most crucial characters that will decide the fate of the women.  The fact that he has no changed is bad for the women.  He will most likely stick to whoever confesses will be set free and those who “lie” will hang.  
Will Danforth's ideas ever change?  Will he free Elizabeth after she fails his “test”?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Crucible HW page 98

“Hale:  Excellency, he claims hard evidence for his wife’s defense.  I think that in all justice you must-” (86)
  • In this quotation Hale shows a great change in himself.  Prior to this statement Hale always seemed to follow the evidence.  He did not seem to believe in the fact that there may not be any witches in Salem.  We saw the beginning of change in Hale when he said, “Charity, Proctor, charity.  What I have heard in her favor, I will not fear to testify in court.” (78).  He shows us that he is moving away from his strictness of finding witches towards looking for evidence and having it be heard.  This is good for those accused, but with the new judges it may be difficult to overcome the accusations.
What sparked the change in Hale?  Could seeing how Proctor reacted when his wife was taken away change him?
“Danforth: Will you drop this charge?
Proctor: I-I think I cannot.
Danforth: Then your purpose is somewhat larger.
Parris: He’s come to overthrow this court, Your Honor!
Danforth: I judge you not, sir.  I am ready to hear your evidence.” (92)
  • In this interaction between the characters we see and learn many things about the characters.  Danforth tell Proctor that his wife says that she has become pregnant and that she may return home for a year.  I believe he said this to see what type of a response he will receive from Proctor.  This response determines how he will be seen by Danforth.  If Proctor dropped the charges brought about, Danforth would have seen him as a man looking out for his own interests, but since he would still fight to help his friends, Danforth wishes to hear the evidence to hear what their argument is and how it will affect the trials of the women accused.  We see Proctor stays loyal to his friends and that his true purpose is not only to protect his wife, but to stop the false accusations being brought about by the people of Salem.
Is Elizabeth really pregnant, or was it a ploy to figure out who Proctor really is? Will Danforth hear the evidence and believe the men, or will he just do this to please them?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crucible HW page 83

“Hale: I have seen too many frightful proofs in court - the Devil is alive in Salem, and we dare not quail to follow wherever the accusing finger points.” (71)
  • This quote and many others in this selection help to show Hale’s feelings towards witches.  He strongly believes in the existence of witches in Salem, and is investigating what is happening in the town.  He seems almost naïve in his investigation.  He looks for minute details.  He does not look into the actions, but only sees them for what they are.  He doesn’t look for what went behind making those decisions, and he also seems easily persuaded.  He says that he cannot judge anyone, but I think that he does, and it won’t help those that he judges.
How will Hale’s beliefs play in the final destination of the women accused?

“Proctor: If she is innocent!  Why do you ever wonder if Parris be innocent, or Abigail?  Is the accuser always holy now?  Were they born this morning as clean as God’s fingers?  I’ll tell you what’s walking in Salem - vengeance is walking in Salem.  We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law!  This warrant’s vengeance!  I’ll not give my wife to vengeance!” (77)
  • In this quote we see the passion that Proctor truly feels for his wife.  Throughout the first portion of the text we do not see that passion he feels for his wife in such a  manner as this.  This is the second straight night that what I feel has been expressed!  How is it possible that no others in the town are expressing their feeling?  It is obvious that the people of the court are power hungry and accusing those who have wronged them in the past.  Finally someone has voiced this out loud!  If more of these situations take place the book would end in a better manner, but with prior knowledge of this time period one can realize not many, if any, will stand up and voice their feelings like this.
Why does it seem that the Proctors are the only ones who are thinking rationally?  If and when will others think that way?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Crucible HW page 67

“Elizabeth: It is her dearest hope, John, I know it.  There be a thousand names; why does she call mine?  There be a certain danger in calling such a name-I am no Goody Good that sleeps in ditches, nor Osburn, drunk and half-witted.  She’d dare not call out such a farmer’s wife, but there be a monstrous profit in it.  She thinks to take my place, John.” (61)
  • Finally!  Someone who can see through the web of lies that Abigail has been weaving.  Everyone else involved does not seem to be able to see her true intentions.  Elizabeth is the first character that can see through their lies.  She is concerned because of the fact that the court will hang those who do not confess.  She feels as if she could be hanged because Abigail will continuously go after her until she is satisfied.  

What will be the final outcome for Elizabeth?  Will she be called a witch or get away safely?  

“Proctor: I like it not that Mr. Parris should not lay his hand upon my baby.  I see no light of God in that man.  I’ll not conceal it.” (65)
  • Through this quote we see the ongoing effect of the bad relations between the townspeople.  They all hold feelings of resentment towards others.  They do not trust anyone but themselves.  They go around accusing each other of being witches just to try and get rid of those they do not like.  This town has many people, who are out to get another, and we see this with the 39 woman who have been jailed, and most likely the countless number of others accused.  39 women!  How can there be so much suspicion and hatred in a town?  I do not understand the people, and this can only end in a bad way.  Either the woman will lie to save themselves, or be truthful and be hung.  
How will the bad relations between the townspeople play out throughout the rest of the book?  How many more women will be accused?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Crucible HW page 49

“Tituba: He say Mr. Parris must be kill!  Mr. Parris no goodly man, Mr. Parris mean man and no gentle man, and he bid me rise out of my bed and cut your throat!  But I tell him ‘No!  I don’t hate that man.  I don’t want kill that man.’  But he say, ‘You work for me, tituba, and I make you free!  I give you pretty dress to wear, and put you way high up in the air, and you gone fly back to Barbados!’  And I say, ‘you lie, Devil, you lie!’  And then he come one stormy night to me, and he say, ‘Look!  I have white people belong to me.’  And I look- and there was Goody Good.” (47)
  • This selection is most likely a lie to try and save herself.  They told her they would kill her for the acts she had done.  She admits to doing these things and hearing these words only to save herself.  She goes from vehemently denying what happened to admitting details and giving names, only to save herself.  
Is there anyone who does not lie to protect themselves in Salem?

“Abigail- I want to open myself!  I want the light of God, I wand the sweet love of Jesus!  I danced for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand.  I saw Sarah Good with the Devil!  I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil!  I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!” (48)
  • Abigail sees how the people react to Tituba’s confession, and she wants the same for her.  She puts on an act to try and earn sympathy for admitting what she has done wrong.  She also uses this to incriminate others.  She puts blame on others and says she saw them with the Devil.  I do not understand how the others around her do not see how much of a liar she is.  She puts the blame on everyone but herself.  She blames Tituba and then incriminates others when she fins the opening.  It is ridiculous how much she is getting away with
Will Abigail ever be caught in her web of lies?

Character List- The Crucible

List of Characters:
Mr. Parris- mid-forties; pastor in Salem; paranoid, everyone is out to get him; fear of others; afraid to believe daughter is bewitched
Betty- Reverend Parris’s daughter; mysterious illness; believed to be bewitched; danced with cousin Abby and others in woods; believed to be doing witchcraft; Screamed when she heard the Lord’s name; Awakes when Rev. Hale comes and starts yelling names of people she saw with the Devil
Tituba- Parris’s servant; with the girls in the woods; talks to the Devil?; loves Betty; threatened to be hanged and gives names of “witches”
Abigail- Parris’s neice; relations with Proctor; drank chicken blood as charm to kill Elizabeth Proctor (John Proctor’s wife); threatens other girls to keep their mouths shut; LIAR; blames others for what happened (Tituba) then goes back and blames others
Mr. Putman- Wealthy landowner; thinks he’s better than everyone; wealthy family; daughter Ruth also sick; believes in Devil
Mrs. Putman- Wife of Thomas Putman; believes Devil killed her children; believes Betty is possessed; accuses many
Mercy Lewis- The Putmans’ servant (16)
Mary Warren- one of girls who was with Abby in the woods
John Proctor- Farmer in mid thirties; Strong, reasonable man; relations with Abby; guilty and feels bad about it; tries to please his wife; does not believe in witches; 
Giles Corey- 83 years old; says he cannot pray when wife was home; 
Rebecca Nurse- 72 years old; respectable; many children and grandchildren; Midwife to Putman; accused of murdering her children
Reverend Hale- Rev. from Beverly; very intellectual; kind of and exorcist; gets Betty out of sleep  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Crucible HW 11/5/08 pgs 20-36

"Abigail: I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near!  Or did I dream that?  It's she put me out, you cannot pretend it were you.  I saw your face when she put me out, and you loved me then and you do now!" (22)
  • The relationship between Abigail and Proctor is foggy at best.  The reader is not given a true answer about their relationship, or what their relationship pertains to.  Is it sexual or casual?  From Abigail's statement it seems as if they had a past sexual relationship, but Proctor strongly denies this claim.  This could also be a motive for Abigail drinking the charm to kill Proctor's wife.  She may want Proctor all to herself.
What is the relationship, past and present, between Proctor and Abby?

"Putman: He had no right to sell it.  It stands clear in my grandfather's will that all the land between the river and-
Proctor: Your grandfather had a habit of willing land that never belonged to him, if I may say it plain."
  • There seems to be a underlying theme that is continuous throughout the play.  The townspeople all seem to dislike each other for certain reasons.  Putman puts his family up on a pedestal, and looks down upon others.  Proctor seems to be more levelheaded about the situation and says what he feels.  There seems to be a conflict eminent, and it may not be the witch hunt itself.  
How will the tensions between Proctor and Putman play out?  Why is there conflict between the people of Salem?

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Crucible Homework 11/3/08

2 Quotations
1) "Mrs. Putnam, with vicious certainty: I'd not call it sick; the Devil's touch is heavier than sick.  It's death, y'know, it's death drivin' into them, forked and hoofed." (13)
  • The Devil is being blamed for the sickness in both children.  They believe someone has used witchcraft and put a spell over the girls.  Rev. Parris does not want to believe unnatural causes are to blame, but the Putnams are very sure that witchcraft was used against the two girls.
Why do they believe that the Devil is the reason for their children being sick?
2) "Betty:  You did, you did!  You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife!  You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" (19)
  • This quotation reveals the truth about the events that took place in the forest.  They were committing acts of witchcraft, and lied about those acts to Rev. Parris.  Betty is in shock and is freaking out about what happened.  As we see later in this section Abigail is very strong with her statements and threatens the other to keep their mouths shut about the events that took place.  She hopes and believes if everything goes rigth the worst tat will happen is a whipping.
What do you think the fate of Abigail will be?

The Crucible Classwork

  • Reverend Samuel Parris- mid forties; strict person; "In history he cut a villainous path" (3) 
  • Betty Parris- Reverend Parris' daughter
  • John Proctor- rebellious "It was also, in my opinion, one of the things that a John Proctor would rebel against, for the time of the armed camp had almost passed, and since the country was reasonably-although not wholly-safe, the old disciples were beginning to rankle." (5)
  • Tituba-  caring "My Betty not goin' die..." (8)
2 Paragraph Background
There are very  important aspects of the background that will be very important to the play.  The time and place that the story takes place will be very important, along with the beliefs of the people who inhabited Salem.  These are just a few, but very important aspects that will definitely be important to the play.  
The time is 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts.  It is a small Puritan village.  The Puritans were strict and followed there beliefs strongly.  That is why their beliefs might be the most important background information to understand They believed in strongly in their own causes and did not believe in much tolerance for anything else.  Because of their strong beliefs it helped lead to the horrible acts committed in the Salem Witch Hunt during this time period.  These are just a few very important facts that  I think will be important.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Journal Entry 3: A Kid Who Gets Bullied

Today was rough.  Just like every other day.  “Hey loser.  Watcha doin?  Why are you so lame?  You suck at life.  What’s the point of you even being alive?”  I hear comments like that all the time.  And sometimes I really wonder why I am alive.
Everyday I go through the same experience, but today was worse.  I sat down with my friends in the morning.  “Hey faggots.”  One of the seniors said as he walked by.  One of my friends gets up and walks out of the cafeteria and gets shoved to the ground.  I know if I get up to help the same thing will happen.  I’m scared to just be in my own school.  I have no idea what to do.
I get up to go to my locker as quietly as I could.  I tried not to be noticed.  I thought I had succeeded until I closed my locker and saw that familiar face.  It was Jacob.  “Hey buddy, you have my homework?”
“No.  Why would I have yours?”
“I thought you understood that you were supposed to do my homework every night.  Well since you forgot I will just take yours.”  He grabbed my notebooks and found the homework he needed took it and walked away.  “Thanks buddy. See you later.”
I’m too afraid to even try and stick up for myself.  And for what cost.  I will just get beat up or made fun of.  This is not how life should be.  What did I do to deserve this?  
After school I hurried to my locker to get my homework and ran to the bus stop.  That was usually the worst part of the day.  I hated the bus stop, and the ride home.  Today seemed to be better.  I saw no one from the usual crowd of “cool” kids.  I thought I was safe.  Just as I was about to leave Jacob and his friend Chris jumped on the bus.  Great.  
“Hey buddy.  What you doin all by yourself?  Come sit with us.”  I knew it was not sincerity in his voice, but hope.  Hope for a possible laugh.  It kills me a little on the inside that they use me for amusement and I don’t do anything to stop it.  My life has to change.  I just don’t know when or how.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Journal Entry 2: A Pregnant Girl

It's been 3 days since I was supposed to get my period.  I've never been this late before.  All  I threw up when I woke up... not a good sign."Could I have counted wrong?"  "What if I'm sick?"  And worse of all "What if I'm pregnant?"  I have no idea what to do.  My parents have no clue that I have even touched a boy.  
   I had to talk to Rob.  I had no idea what to say.  I really like him, but I do not know how he feels about me.  He's the first boy I've ever really gotten close to.  
I saw him all day and couldn't build up the courage to talk to him.  Finally after school I built up the courage to talk to him about what happened.
"Hey Rob, remember two weeks ago?"  "Of course, how could I forget?  It was awesome."  "Yeah well about that... You wore a condom 

"No. You said you were on the pill..."

Those are words I never wish I heard.

"Rob, I never said that to you!!! I've never had sex before why would I be on the pill?  Are you that stupid.  You said you loved me... how could you be so careless?" Tears started to pour down my face...

"Why are you making this such a big deal... I forgot.  I promise it won't happen again."  And then a sudden silence came over him.  He realized why I was so upset.  "Oh shit, your not....
It's not a big deal... I'm sure you're fine."  I could tell by his voice that he was lying.

After school I went to the store and bought a home pregnancy test.  I saw a little happy face appear.  

That couldn't have been any more wrong.  I have never cried so much in my life.  I have no idea what to do.  God help me....


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal Entry 1: Depressed person

Today sucked again.  What else is new?  Everyday seems worse than the day before.  Essentially it feels like each new day is the worst day of my life.  I do not know what to do with my life.  Today I woke up late... again.  Of course my mom didn't make it any better by yelling at me and causing a scene.  She always has to cause a scene.  No matter what I do somehow she has to tell me how my brother is better.  I can't do any good in her eyes.  
So yeah I got to school late for the third time in two weeks.  I got a detention.  Well my life really can't get any worse so it doesn't bother me too much.  I would be spending that time by myself anyway so it gives me something to do.  I failed my physics quiz again which wasn't a surprise.  Mom will make a big deal about that too.  She will probably throw in a comment about how Dave never fails any of his tests.  I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT DAVE DOES!!! I'm done listening to her crap about Dave.  Really, I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do with my life.  I don't care anymore.
To make today worse it happened to be freshman beat down day.  I shouldn't be upset about that since I'm a junior, but I still received a beating.  Not because they wanted to, but that no one could remember that I wasn't a freshman.  The worst part about it is that the kids who beat on me share the same locker row with me.  Just goes to show how much people notice me.  I feel like I have nothing to live for.  I do nothing right.  I really don't wanna go through this much longer.  I can't live this way.  No one should.  I need help that I know I won't get from anyone.  Why does MY life have to suck so bad?  What did I do to deserve this?  I really don't know.  Well I'm done for now.  I'll be sure to write on the next worst day of my life... tomorrow.

Brainstorming notes for a depressed person

  • make every situation negative
  • discuss why people don't like me
  • bad grade?
  • made fun of by others/ not popular
  • parents fight/ dislike me
  • abused physically/emotionally
  • seem to do nothing right
  • always someone who does better
  • little bother/sister who always does better; parents like them better
  • not good at sports
  • can't open up to others
  • no desire to achieve anything
  • no desire to do anything

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Letter to my future wife (5)

I love you more than you ever will know.  Ever since the day we met my life has only become better.  Each day I see you, my heart is filled with joy.  I am so lucky to have you in my life.  You are my world.
Everyday I see you; it is the best day of my life.  You constantly make me smile.  No matter what I will always love you.  We both know our lives aren’t perfect.  We have the times where we fight, but what makes a true relationship work is the ability for a couple to recover from a fight.  We have that ability.  We are perfect together.  I love you with all my heart.
There are days where I come home and I hate the world.  I see you and no matter how upset I am, you somehow manage to cheer me up.  Seeing your beautiful face, or hearing your soothing voice brings a smile to my face because I know that I am the luckiest man in the world.  I do not know what I would do without you.  
I wanted to let you know how much a truly care for you.  Many people toss around the word love like it has no meaning.  Those people are fools.  Love is the greatest emotion you can have for an individual person.  True love is the greatest form of love, and I truly love you.  I love you with all my heart, body, and soul.  I want to be with you for the rest of my life.  I love you.  You are my world baby.  I never want you to leave my side.  
Love always your endearing husband,

Letter From Your Body Part to You (4)

Dear Andy,
You seriously messed me up.  I’m never going to be the same again.  Thanks dumb ass.  You couldn’t have taken a play off.  You fractured me and continued to play. What were you thinking?!  If you had taken a play off maybe I wouldn’t be broken!  Nice job.  I hope you’re happy.
I know that you love playing football, and it is hard for you to stop, but you have to realize how it affects all of you.  Every time you step on the field I hurt, and I know other parts of you feel the same pain.  Your shoulder is still in pain from your freshman year where you conveniently didn’t tell anyone about the pain until after football season was over.  Your head and neck are always sore from your helmet.  Your legs are constantly sore from the running you do, and your arms are always cut up and bruised from the beatings you take at practice.  Why do you put yourself through this almost everyday?  It is stupid.  You should quit and get healthy.
I know you will never do that so my luck is out.  I just hope you will take it easy on me.  I have a crack from side to side.  I will never be able to be straight again.  I am swollen so much bigger than your other pinky.  It sucks so badly.  Every time you try to make a fist I hurt.  Every time you pick something up, I hurt.  Any time you use your left hand, I hurt.  Please let me heal.  I don’t want to be hurt for the rest of our life.  It is not fair to me.  Just because you want to do something I have to suffer.  It is just not fair.  Please take what I have said into consideration.
Your Left Pinky

Letter from Animal to You (3)

Dear Andy,
I know we haven’t really been talking lately but now are the time.  I’m not feeling the same as I used to.  I’m getting so old.  I used to love to play fetch with you and now I feel like I can barely move.  Life is harder than it used to be.
I age differently than you.  I grow older at a pace seven times as fast as you do.  It is not easy.  I feel like crap everyday.  I can barely get up and down, never mind walk up and down all the stairs in the house.  I know I shouldn't, but I hate being alone downstairs.  Everyone is always upstairs.  I just have to be with you guys.  It’s my job to stay by your sides, but it gets harder every day.
I know I have made your lives difficult lately.  I cannot do the things I used to be able to do before.  I wish I could.  It’s hard for me to do anything now.  I love you all for putting up with me during this time period.  I feel sick, and you have been taking care of me.  I thank you.
I feel as if I do not have a lot of time left with you anymore.  I am about 100 years old now (14 human years).  My time is running out.  I want to spend my last few years happy.  I do not want you all to be mad at me for what I do.  I know I make a mess of everything now and I promise that if you give me the chance I will try my hardest to change for the better.  I really do love you for everything we have done with each other over the years.  I cannot explain the feelings I have for you.
Love man’s best friend,

Friday, October 24, 2008

Letter from Devil to God (2)

Dear Big G,
How you doin up there?  It’s hot as hell down here…. I crack myself up.  I’m really bored with all these people down here.  They are so boring.  All they do is compare their evils to each other all day like it’s a competition or something.  Seriously they don’t understand that nothing matters anymore.  All of them are all ready in hell.  What they did doesn’t matter.  When are these people going to grow up?  Everything is a competition to them.  What is wrong with them?
So I have always wondered why I got the crappy job.  It’s hot and smells like ass down here; must be all the brimstone and such.  It is not fair.  I didn’t do anything to bad.  So we saw things differently for a while. Big deal! Like there are not a million other people who did that? (Well looking back on that I guess they are with me now).  But seriously, I really think I should get a chance to redeem myself.  I’m tired of all these people.  I’m really not as bad as before.  Seeing all these horrible people made me look back on this.  Just give me a chance.  I will really try hard.  I’m sure there has to be a different fallen angel that could take my place, and I mean seriously I’m the most fun out of the bunch to be around.  And I promise not to do anymore evil… well maybe.  Write me back.  I really want to talk to you some more.
Big Red

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Letter from Nature to Humanity (1)

Dear Humanity,

            What are you doing to me?!?!  My life has been changing for me over the past few centuries.  The main cause of this change is due to the change in your lifestyle.  Everything that you do in your daily life affects me and you tend to forget this.  Your lives affect mine, no matter what you are doing. 

            Many people do not realize how much I have been changing.  Over the years your technology has been advancing.  You have invented cars, airplanes, boats, and buses.  It has made your lives a lot easier, but has devastated me.  All the fumes that these vehicles are giving off are destroying me.  They make it hard to breathe and are helping to pollute the air and the water, which also affects every part of me.  There are fish and animals completely dying off due to this pollution.  Why are you doing this? Couldn’t you think of a safer way to transport yourself from place to place? 

            Another prime example of you slowly destroying me is your development of cities everywhere.  You find an area you think would be good for a settlement and slowly creep in and destroy the wildlife around you.  This is not right.  Eventually you are going to take away all the land for the animals, and the trees.  Without those two, you couldn’t survive.  You need to start thinking before you act.

            I hope you use this letter as a warning.  You still have time to change your ways, and I can see that beginning to happen.  There are better vehicles that emit cleaner gases.  This is a very important step into bettering your lives, and mine.  Keep up with the progress.



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Forgiveness Letter

Dear Andy,
For the longest time I have felt this pain that has never gone away.  It has finally subsided, at least enough to express my feelings about the situation.  I have kept my feelings inside for too long and I feel the need to express them to you now.  
There have been times where I have looked back on this situation, and have been crushed on the inside.  For years I had to put up with the way you have treated me.  There are times where you and I get along, but sometimes I feel that you should treat me with more respect.  I am a person with feelings, and it may not be obvious but some of the things you say, even if you are trying to make a joke, hurt.  I do not hate you for this, it is only human nature.  I do however feel bad about everything that has happened between us.
I love you.  You are my older brother.  I look up to you.  It may not show all the time, but you are very important to me.  When you put me down like you sometimes do, it hurts.  I do not know how to feel.  You knock me down but I understand now.  It is not out of hatred.  You do not do it to hurt but to poke fun.  It has made me a better person.  I have grown stronger from what has happened.  You have helped me greatly, even when you weren’t trying to.  I feel like I may be treating Michael in the same way.  Hopefully he will pull out the same goods as I have.  I forgive and understand what has happened.
Love your brother,

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Endings to the intros

1.) The sound of a bone cracking is an awful sound.  Hearing a scream soon after is worse.  Hearing the words, "We need you to really step up now" is even harder to hear.
This is what i heard after the last scrimmage before my freshman year started.  I thought I had no shot to play that year, and I was fine with that.   After that day my thoughts were changed.   I was the back-up to Bobby, and on the last play before I was supposed to go in the unthinkable happened.  All I hear was a scream and when I looked at the field all I saw was Bobby crawling out of a pile with his leg hanging down.  It was one of the most awful sights I had ever seen.
2.)"Andy, come in here I need to talk to you."  My mom was never home from work so early.  Her eyes were red from crying.  I knew something terrible had happened.
I knew right away what was wrong. My grandfather had been battling cancer for a 
while now. I knew at that time that he had died. My whole stomach dropped. I didn't
want to believe what I was hearing. My grandfather had died and I felt like my whole life
had changed. I never wanted to feel that way again.
3.)"Bang."  I hit the floor with a thud.  I touched my face with my hands and saw nothing.  The next time i saw my hands they were soaked with blood.
I had never bled so much in my life. I had dove for the loose ball and had a knee struck
my face. I quickly checked for blood and saw none.  The next time I looked down my hands
and arms were covered in blood.  Blood was pouring out of my nose. I didn't know what to
4.)"Wow she's cute.  Good job Andy."  That was the first time my family ever excepted a girl I brought home.
My parents always find a way to criticize the girl that I like.  This time was different.  After they met Nicole I expected to hear some kind of criticism, but I heard none.  I was happy, but more surprised by this.  I love my parents to death, but they are judgmental.  I thought something was wrong, but I couldn't have been anymore mistaken.  They genuinely enjoyed being around her.  That made me more happy than I have ever been before.  
5.) My mouth had a terrible taste.  I had just gotten sick.  When I looked down I was not in the bathroom.
I felt so embarrassed to walk into my cousin's room and tell her what happened. It 
was the first time I had ever slept at my cousin's apartment in New York. I had eaten too 
many cookies before I went to sleep, and my stomach was not happy. I woke up in the 
middle of the night with an awful feeling in my stomach. I walked to where I thought the
bathroom was and threw up. When I looked down i was not standing over a toilet, but a 

Lu Li's cliff hangers continued

1. I looked at the clock – it was already 4am. “I hate myself,” I murmured, “this needs to be stopped!” 
I had to stop doing this to myself.  Every night I i thought about what I could have done differently.  I could have been a better person.  I could have been nicer to him.  I could have shown my true love for him.  I was afraid, and now all I have to look back on is the bracelet I threw, still laying on the floor.  Why did it have to come down to this?

2. “Oh Lord, please help me…” I closed my eyes, but tears still burst out… 
I sat in my room crying, m y mother trying to comfort me.  It wasn't helping.  The tears just kept pouring out of my eyes.  I thought that night would never end.  I had lost my closest friend.  She had died early the previous morning.  When i woke up i still felt the cold tears still falling from my face.  My life would never be the same.

3. I walked into the classroom …and I walked out of the classroom with a long streak of tears on my cheek. 
"I can't believe that just happened" I said with tears running down my face as i was running to my locker.  My teacher humiliated me in front of the entire class.  I had forgotten to do my reading and we were being asked questions.  I tried to BS my way around the topic, but i knew my teacher understood I did not do the assignment.  What i didn't know was what would happen next.  It would be the worst day of school in my entire life.

4. Time is ruthless, I have to say, because it can change a person you know well to a totally stranger.
 We had been friends for so long.  I cannot understand what had gone wrong.  For eight years we were the best of friends.  Everyday it seemed we were at each other's house.  We spent countless hours together.  People eventually thought we were even family.  How can one summer change a person like that?  

5. I wanted to turn around and look at them for the last time, but I didn't have the courage to do that – I was afraid that if I turned around, I would never be able to walk away by myself.
I saw my friends for the last time before i was forced to move.  I hated my parents for this.  I love my friends.  I had a good life.  Why did things have to change?  Right then I realized that My life would be completely different.  I would have to start a new life in a new place.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 intros

  1.  The sound of a bone cracking is an awful sound.  Hearing a scream soon after is worse.  Hearing the words, "We need you to really step up now" is even harder to hear.
  2. "Andy, come in here I need to talk to you."  My mom was never home from work so early.  Her eyes were red from crying.  I knew something terrible had happened
  3. "Bang."  I hit the floor with a thud.  I touched my face with my hands and saw nothing.  The next time i saw my hands they were soaked with blood.
  4. "Wow she's cute.  Good job Andy."  That was the first time my family ever excepted a girl I brought home.
  5. My mouth had a terrible taste.  I had just gotten sick.  When I looked down I was not in the bathroom.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Unflattering Story

High school is not easy for everyone.  A lot of people struggle throughout the years spent there. Others thrive during their high school years.  It is said it is the most fun that you have in your life.  For some it is the time that they try the hardest to forget.  Not everyone is lucky enough to have a solid four years in high school.
My high school time has been well spent so far.  I have had good grades and have rarely had any problems with anyone.  I have been lucky, but it has not been perfect.  There are always actions that you have preformed that you would want to have back.  
Last year during basketball I had an average season.  I preformed well under the radar.  Our team was very successful and made a lot of hustle plays.  One of the biggest hustle plays was when I dove for a loose ball and broke my nose.  I was bleeding profusely from my nose.  I had no idea what had happened to me.  I really do not remember the play at all.  All I remember was hitting the ground and seeing the blood flowing from my nose.  This was the least of my issues.
My head was rocking the rest of the night.  I said some ridiculous things to people.  I was talking to everyone like they were my best friends.  I believe I was even having conversations with some of the teachers present at the game.  They were not like a normal conversation between student and teacher.  I most likely embarrassed myself and said things I would regret. 
As usual they started to play the national anthem before the varsity game.  I was sitting with a few of my friends from the team.  We were talking as usual and stood up when we heard the announcement.  As we stood they had trouble with the audio system.  I thought it would be a great time to start singing out loud in front of everyone.  I have an awful voice.  I greatly embarrassed myself.  I vaguely remember this happening but I was the laughing stock of the team for the next few practices.  I only wish I had really thought through my action before I preformed it.