Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 intros

  1.  The sound of a bone cracking is an awful sound.  Hearing a scream soon after is worse.  Hearing the words, "We need you to really step up now" is even harder to hear.
  2. "Andy, come in here I need to talk to you."  My mom was never home from work so early.  Her eyes were red from crying.  I knew something terrible had happened
  3. "Bang."  I hit the floor with a thud.  I touched my face with my hands and saw nothing.  The next time i saw my hands they were soaked with blood.
  4. "Wow she's cute.  Good job Andy."  That was the first time my family ever excepted a girl I brought home.
  5. My mouth had a terrible taste.  I had just gotten sick.  When I looked down I was not in the bathroom.

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