Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal Entry 1: Depressed person

Today sucked again.  What else is new?  Everyday seems worse than the day before.  Essentially it feels like each new day is the worst day of my life.  I do not know what to do with my life.  Today I woke up late... again.  Of course my mom didn't make it any better by yelling at me and causing a scene.  She always has to cause a scene.  No matter what I do somehow she has to tell me how my brother is better.  I can't do any good in her eyes.  
So yeah I got to school late for the third time in two weeks.  I got a detention.  Well my life really can't get any worse so it doesn't bother me too much.  I would be spending that time by myself anyway so it gives me something to do.  I failed my physics quiz again which wasn't a surprise.  Mom will make a big deal about that too.  She will probably throw in a comment about how Dave never fails any of his tests.  I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT DAVE DOES!!! I'm done listening to her crap about Dave.  Really, I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do with my life.  I don't care anymore.
To make today worse it happened to be freshman beat down day.  I shouldn't be upset about that since I'm a junior, but I still received a beating.  Not because they wanted to, but that no one could remember that I wasn't a freshman.  The worst part about it is that the kids who beat on me share the same locker row with me.  Just goes to show how much people notice me.  I feel like I have nothing to live for.  I do nothing right.  I really don't wanna go through this much longer.  I can't live this way.  No one should.  I need help that I know I won't get from anyone.  Why does MY life have to suck so bad?  What did I do to deserve this?  I really don't know.  Well I'm done for now.  I'll be sure to write on the next worst day of my life... tomorrow.

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